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Android Development


The following guide explains how to set up a secondary development environment, assuming you have the relevant programming background.

The Youdeyiwu Android application is primarily developed using Flutter 3.

You can choose your preferred development editor, though Android Studio is recommended.

Clone the Repository

Clone the repository and open the project directory app with your editor.

git clone

Development Configuration

1. Install Dependencies

Install the dependencies.

flutter pub get

3. Change the Icon

Replace the resource at the path assets/images/icon.png.

Then, run the following command to update:

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons

3. Configure the API Service

Open the file lib/configs/configs.dart.

Modify the backend request URL accordingly.

const appApiServer = '';

4. Launch the Application

Using Android Studio as an example, start an Android emulator (Device Manager) and run the application (Run 'main.dart').

Build the APK

Generate a Key

1. For Windows Systems

USERPROFILE represents the directory where the key will be stored.

Run the following command to generate a key, and follow the prompts to complete the process:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore $env:USERPROFILE\upload-keystore.jks -storetype JKS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias upload

2. For Other Systems or Methods

Please refer to the official documentation for guidance.

Build the Application

1. Run the Command

flutter build apk --release

2. Check the Output

The output file can be found in the build/app/outputs/flutter-apk directory of the project.


What if I want to build for iOS?

As I don't have the necessary equipment, I cannot test the build process for iOS.

You might need to make some adjustments to the app for iOS compatibility.


By customizing the development process, you can add various features to the application as needed.

This concludes the Android development and build process.

Released under the MIT License.